Drom & Inch GAA

Founded 1887

Co. Tipperary

AGM Friday 29th - Everything You Need to Know

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The annual general meeting will take place via the Zoom platform on Friday 29th January at 8pm. Anybody who wants the link to join the meeting must contact club secretary Trevor Hassett via text or by phone 086 2108012 before Wednesday 27th January.

As you may or may not be aware, we have had to go with an online meeting this year due to the current government restrictions. We are aware that this will not suit all but we hope that in having sent the reports out that it may give people a flavour of what is normally the main aspects of the AGM.

If there is a vote required to decide a position, it will have to take place in the form of a postal vote as voting is not allowed on Zoom. There will be a log kept of all those who log into the meeting and they will be eligible to vote. Any member who cannot access the meeting but has informed the secretary prior to the meeting that they wish to vote will also receive voting papers.