Drom & Inch GAA

Founded 1887

Co. Tipperary

Club AGM 2021-Important info

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Hi All,


The club AGM takes place on Saturday 27th November at 8pm in Younge’s The Ragg ballroom.

Please note change of venue as we agreed that it would be better in a more open space.

Please see the following guidelines which will be mandatory on the night

•Face masks MUST be worn on the night for the full duration of the meeting.

•Face masks can only be removed when speaking and put back on when finished speaking.

•All attending must sanitise upon entering and exiting ballroom.

•A contact log will be taken by the secretary on the night for contact tracing purposes

•Social distancing will apply

•If you have any cold / flu like symptoms, we would ask that you reconsider attending on the night in the interests of the wellbeing of others.

•We will be going through the agenda as quick as we can in order to keep the meeting brief.


Trevor Hassett
